Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saints Row the Third

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Rats on Cocaine

I really liked the idea of two rats,trapped together,addicted to coke doing some really crazy shit..
They're like the exact opposite of mickey and mini-mouse and everything that Walt Disney stands for. 
It's cruel,gory and fun to watch!

Here's a link:

Cage and Alice.

Dragonball Z

Dragonball Z was a big inspiration to me during the elementary years, 
it kept me enthusiastic about drawing and practising a lot. 
I drew a lot of sketches of poses, character design, expressions and muscles-I really felt like I was improving in a really short period. Also as much as this show looks stupid, it's a very nostalgic part of my life it's when I met some of my best childhood friends (and we just kept talking about it and laughing our asses off of how ridiculous it can get....and we still do so until now). MEMORIES~~~ 

Janemba and my character Schizo.

Shirt Prints

What can be better then an EWJ fanart shirts?!? :>
Alright, so maybe I prefer the villains over the heroes.
Still! I like the idea of Jim in peril!

Psychick- My own character.


                                  Also here's a bonus picture of Jim running away with the princess.)))

Fallout 3

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This one actually is from New Vegas. 


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Captain Underpants parody

Way back, when I was figuring out what the hell should I present as my final project for school finals (yes,I went to an art school), a friend of mine gave me this book (for shits-and-giggles) called "Captain Underpants".
I remembered reading it back in elementary and I was really thrilled to read it again as a young adult.
Well,at the end I chose something more dark and serious for my school project.
I made a flash animation about "Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde".
But a really interesting remark: Is that Mr.Krupp from the book has an alter ego just like Dr.Jekyll!

At any case when I was done with my finals I've decided to write a book, a parody about Captain Underpants. 
I named it:
"Voluptuous Jenny and the Kruppy Monster from the Deep".
It's about a girl that has daddy issues and enjoys seducing her principal to bale out of punishments, until she finally learns a lesson (wink,wink,nudge,nudge).
It will contain adult content and really detailed and provocative artwork. :)

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Lil' Jenny


 Named this piece: "Art is the Weapon" after a song of "My Chemical Romance".

Animation Enthusiast


Own Characters

"Karanjo" and my friends character "Hypno".



Old artwork from 2007

For more click here:

Let's start with....Me!

Hi, I'm Jen and I like drawing! :)
I'll add more information later...Meanwhile just enjoy my artwork!

Tatty bye!~